Saturday, December 31, 2005


Health care

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing, and does not consist only of one absence of disease or infirmity.

This definition is that of the preamble to 1946 with the Constitution of the World Health Organization . It implies that all the fundamental needs for the person are satisfied, whether they are emotional, medical, nutritional, social or cultural. It presents a utopian character since it classifies, according to studied country's, from 70 to 99% of people like patient. One can prefer that of Rene Dubos to him : "physical and mental State relatively of embarrassments and sufferings which makes it possible to the individual to function as a long time as possible in the medium where the chance or the choice placed it" , which has health like the convergence of the concepts of autonomy and wellbeing.

All things considered, health it is when all functions well, that all hums, body like mental.

Diseases, Traumatisms and Infirmities

In fact health is not inevitably a corollary of the absence of disease: there are many examples of people carrying various affections but which are in good health because their disease is controlled by a treatment. As of the middle of the XXe century, the specialists in the diabetes thus spoke about "health insulinienne". Today, this established fact is even majority in the developed countries: it becomes exceptional starting from a certain age not to have for example a disorder of the ocular refraction or problems of hypertension. A contrario certain diseases can be asymptomatic during very a long time, with the result that patients who feel in good health can not be it really.

Public health

The public health gathers the whole of the average collectives likely to promote health and to improve the living conditions.The organization of the care remained until the XIX E century very mainly dependent on private initiatives. The role of the religious institutions was then prevalent, the assistance with the patients being regarded as a charity organization. As from the century of the Lights, the disease gradually ceases being regarded as a fate and the body becomes again a subject of concern. This movement relates to initially the elites, then extends gradually to the unit from the company. Health then becomes a right which the States must guarantee.

The development of industrialization is a second factor which tends to explain the development of the public health: on the one hand for simple criteria of productivity of the workmen, on the other hand by fear of the riots and under the pressure of the trade unions. Finally the First and the Second World war will contribute to the development of the medical assumption of responsibility of mass and to the installation of policies of social assistance: it is the birth of the concept of Welfare state .


Hygiene is the whole of the behaviors contributing to maintain the individual in good health. What good health? There are false generally accepted ideas on the subject (what arranges well the industrialists of products of hygiene). Indeed, good health is quite simply to respect a certain number of behaviors but more especially to preserve the fragile balance of our ecosystem. It would be naif to believe healthy systematically to exterminate all the micro-organisms of our environment (or on our skin) under the pretext which they are almost invisible or "very ugly". It is necessary to keep a right balance between each species with the risk to increase our risks of allergies, to even risk death by changing environment, for example at the time of a simple voyage abroad. This discipline thus aims at fighting against the environmental factors being able to contribute to a deterioration of health, like pollution for example. It should be noted that the improvement of the conditions of hygiene paradoxically could support the appearance of diseases like the poliomyelitis .

Way of life

It is known today that many factors of risk are related to the way of life. The body care, the physical activity, the food, the problems of drug-addiction... has a total impact on the health of the individuals.

Political and economic stakes

World-wide, the sums invested in health are considerable. For example, in 2002, the market of the drug was evaluated to 430,3 billion dollars (against 220 billion in 1992). Moreover medical consumption progresses more quickly than the GDP in the developed countries

Saturday, December 24, 2005

Burn fat tips

Greatest way to burn fat

In reality, shedding five pounds of flab could mean the difference between a 32-inch waist and a 28-inch waist. Using these tips, you’ll drop that body jiggle in no time.

  • Doubles your exercise

    Instead of exercising for 30 minutes on the treadmill, step it up to 60 minutes. You don’t need to walk, step or jog faster, only longer. Extending your workouts past 30 minutes gives your body more time to burn fat, as opposed to only burning carbohydrates for energy.Don’t eat more because you exercise more. Lean bodies are nutritionally efficient bodies.

  • Going to bed before 11 pm

    When bodybuilders train for a show, you can bet on one thing for certain, they’re snoozing by 11pm every night. Going to bed consistently by 11am gives fat the one-two knockout.Early sleep lowers the amount of cortisol levels in your blood. Higher than normal cortisol levels encourages fat storage. As an added boost, when you regulate your sleep, you levels of melatonin kick in like clockwork each night to not only enhance your sleep, but to actually burn fat better.

  • Wake up 30 minutes earlier

    OK, you have to get your double exercise time from somewhere, so it comes from your sleep time. Getting up earlier also helps you sleep better. With the added fatigue from exercising and going to sleep at a regular time, your dozing hours will be more restful and you probably won’t even notice those 30 minutes that you skimped on.

  • Eat you last meal by 6:30pm

    If you meet a successful fitness model, one thing you’re sure to encounter is that she has her eating habits down to a science. Closing down you kitchen a 6:30 has several weight loss benefits. First, by not eating for a full twelve hours each day, you give your stomach time to empty itself and allow you body to use excess fat for energy. Second, if your last meal is at 6:30pm and you crawl into bed by 11pm, your body won’t be so busy digesting food all night long- making your rest all the more peaceful.

  • Eat more frequently, 6-8 times a day

    Metabolism manipulation is the cornerstone of weight loss. Manipulate your meals and you manipulate your metabolism.

    If you normally eat 3-5 meals a day, break those feasts in the 6-8 mini meals. Remember, do not add more food just split the meals in two. Regularly feeding your body keeps the body’s energy level at its optimum.

There you have it, fives steps to the slimmer you. And yes, it works like clockwork. Give yourself two weeks and watch the last bit of flab slip away. I dare you.

Monday, December 19, 2005

Weight loss tips

Best Way to Lose Weight

There are a number of people who hate the idea of rigid diets. But here you are going to get some great ways of weight loss. With these weight loss tips, you are going to loose weight easily.

  • Drinking enough water
    One of the best things you can do for weight loss is drinking plenty of water. Take 8-10 eight ounce glasses of water each day.

  • Take breakfast regularly
    Many people think that skipping breakfast helps them to lose weight to some extent. But it’s not true as you might eat more during the day time when they feel hungrier. If you do not get enough time for breakfast, you must at least take some liquid meal.

  • Increase Fibre Intake
    Eating lots of foods rich in fibre helps keep food moving through your bowels. Just like water, fiber rich foods bulk you up and make you feel full. In fact, the average person could lose around 10 pounds a year just from doubling their fiber intake.

  • Take health fats
    You should take healthy fats like cold-water fish, mackerel and salmon, nuts, and olive oil. Eating healthy fat will also help you lose weight.

  • Have Protein
    Protein is a great weight control tool because of the immediate satiety factor and because it keeps you full for longer periods.

  • Do Exercise
    Doing exercise can also help you. But it should not be done for long hours. Around 40 minutes a day and four days in a week is recommended. You can have any kind of exercise like walking, jogging, or just playing around with the kids-Get up and Get Moving!

  • Weight loss drugs
    There are a number of drugs available that can help you to lose weight for short time. Phentermine is such one medication that helps you lose weight. There some other medications like xenical, adipex, meridia, Ionamin, Didrex, Tenuate and more that can also help you. But you should take any drug after consulting with the doctor.

There are many other fast weight loss tips. However, these few ideas will take off the extra pounds in a very short amount of time.

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Hair loss Medications

Hair Loss solutions

There are two medications that can treat baldness effectively.Generic Propecia Finpecia and Generic Proscar Fincar.Finpecia and Fincar are indicated for the treatment of male pattern hair loss in MEN ONLYdemonstrated in men between the ages of 18 to 41 years with mild to moderate hair loss of the vertex and anterior mid-scalp area.Individuals with increased levels of the hormone DHT in the scalp experience a shortening growth phase or thinning of the hair. finpecia and Fincar lowers the level of this hormone, and contributes to the normalization of the hair growth cycle.Improvement may occur with either of these drugs when taken for several months. The most important effect of these drugs may be to prevent further hair loss.The effect of Propecia Finpecia and Generic Proscar Fincar remains by the time you take these drugs.

Another solution to hair loss is hair transplant.In hair transplant, hair follicles are removed from one part of the scalp and transplanted to the bald area.In thsi process, surgeon removes a section of hair form the back of the head, near the base of the skull. This area of hair is genetically different because they do not have the gene for hair loss in their follicles. Only a small scar is left and unless one shaves the back of the scalp is it not noticeable. The donated follicles are then placed in saline solution, while small incisions are made in the areas of hair loss. Each individual donated follicle is placed creating an uneven ordinary hairline. After the hairline is formed, the remaining donor follicles are put where thinned or balding spots occur.

Another solution of hair loss is surgical bio matrix. This is a process where real human hair is added to your hair by a process where the hair is woven together with your own. They do this in the areas where you are balding so that when you actually comb your hair you'll still see your scalp because the hair is not surgically implanted. This is one of the most popular methods today.

Another method for hair loss is Extreme Hair Therapy (EXT). EXT stimulates growth of hair in the balding areas. The way this method works is it keeps the hair follicles in their growth stage longer than normal which stimulates thicker hair growth and slows down the thinning process. This process is done at three levels. One, it improves scalp circulation and blood flow. Two, it reduces damage to the hair follicle by reacting with environmental factors. Three, it uses advanced hair loss therapies from around the world as they emerge.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

Hair Loss Causes

Causes of hair loss

In 95% of cases, hair loss is due to a genetic sensitivity of the hair follicles to a normal body hormone called Dihydrotestorone or DHT. This condition is known as Androgenetic Alopecia or "Male and Female Pattern Hair Loss". We normally loose about 100 to 200 hair a day as a part of hair's normal growth and renewal cycle. Under the suppressive effects of DHT, the rate of hair loss increases and the hair follicles produce shorter and thinner hairs. Eventually the hair follicle dies and the hair is permanently lost. Specialists state that women can experience hair loss due to the menopause. During his period, women go through a phase in which the production of hormones is decreased, which can affect the whole female body.

If you have hormonal problems, this can cause hair loss as well. If your thyroid gland is overactive, this can cause hair loss. If your male and female hormones are out of balance, this can cause hair loss. Women usually have hair loss a few months after having a baby. This is also because of hormones. During pregnancy certain hormones are higher that keep hair from falling out. After pregnancy these hormones are lessened, so the hair begins to fall out. Some infections such as fungal infections of the scalp can cause hair loss. Hair loss can be caused by a more serious disease like lupus or diabetes. Hair loss is usually an early symptom of a disease, so it is best to get this checked out as soon as possible. Improper hair care can also cause hair loss. Using tight corn rows or hair rollers. Hot oil treatments can also cause hair loss as well as constant wearing of hats.

Some More causes of hair loss are Hereditary predisposition Prescribed drugs therapies, Skin disorders, Severe stress, Pregnancy ,Bacterial infections, Radiation ,Chemotherapy ,Excessive androgen production.

Monday, December 05, 2005

Hair loss Tips

Hair loss problem and hair loss tips

Do you suffer from hair loss or thinning of hair and looking for ways to hair growth or hair loss remedy/treatment? Some hair loss remedies may promot hair growth/hair regrowth.

Hair loss and baldness are problems. We give home remedy for hair loss and thinning of hair using natural ingredients.Home made beauty recipes like hair care, dandruff care and hair loss based on herbs and natural ingredients help improve the hair.

The male hormone, testosterone, governs beard, body hair and hair in the armpits. Treatment with estrogen has been successful in restoring hair growth and stopping of hair loss.

Here are some home remedies for hair loss. Some hair loss and thinning hair remedies may benefit some people while the other may benefit other people.

Massage into the scalp and hair coconut milk or Aloe Vera gel. Massage into the scalp and hair honey with egg yolk. Massage almond oil on scalp 2-3 times a day, daily. Rinse hair with a mix of apple cider vinegar and sage tea to help hair grow.

Then applying honey.

Your hair will become thick.

Make a hair pack by mixing amla (Indian goose berry) powder with one egg. Wash hair.

Massage on the scalp regularly.

Your hair will grow fast.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Weight Gain

How to gain Quick weight

The key to success in weight gaining is that you have to do everything big. You have to eat big, lift big to get big. Mostly people think that you can only gain weight by weight lifting. No doubt, weight lifting is an important part of weight gain. But that only gain make you weight gain. There are many other things like your diet that also matters when it comes to weight gain.

  • Keep on counting how many calories eat on a day and do not need to change anything whatever you are doing. And count how much calories you are consuming each day. And do not forget to weight yourself on regular intervals.

  • So start the day with counting how much calories you take. Take extra 500 per day and so if you were taking 2000 calories per day now you will be taking 2500 calories per day. So for the whole week keep up with this amount of calories. Remember instead of eating for the whole day, you must have a proper program for eating. Take 5-6 meals per day in the interval of 2-3 hours.

  • Weightlifting! Get in the gym and lift! This is another important step to how to gain weight, so make sure you are doing it correctly.

  • When the week comes to an end, weigh yourself and you will see that you are gaining some weight. You should not expect weight gain of 10lb per week. You have to look for gaining around 1 0r 2 pounds in a week and if you are gaining much more that that is not healthy and you are putting in too much weight. So if you are gaining around 5-6 pounds in week that is great.

  • Another important thing. If any time you realize that you are not gaining weight for the last 2-3 weeks, then add another 500 250 calories a day. Keep adding calories whenever you find that you are not gaining weight.

Extremely important notes to follow

Even through Your goal is to weight gain but stay away from fat and eating junk. Do not go for chips, fast food and candy. Take high proteins, low saturated fat foods like tuna fish, chicken breast, turkey, lean meats, rice, pasta, fruits and vegetables, nuts, flax seed oil, etc.

Keep on tracking your weight gain progress and also see that what you gaining is muscle and not fat. Drink around a half gallon every day as it will give you the energy you need to gain that weight. And one more thing you must have efficient sleeping. You must sleep around 8 Hours a day.

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